Computer facilities
The school has a range of laboratories that can be used for both teaching and research (on-site or remote learning, student projects and research & development contracts)
660 workstations accessible
660 workstations with Windows and Linux Debian, connected to the Internet, are freely accessible when not being used for classes. These workstations offer access to a huge software library of pedagogical and scientific applications, many of which are used in professional environments. They have all been chosen to respond to needs of companies that create or use technologies to process and transmit information.

Depending on the needs of teaching departments, students will have access to the following tools:
- Office tools, web browser, project management software
- Professional engineering software: Matlab, LabVIEW, Cadence, Catia, Questa, etc.
- Programming language software: Visual Basic, C++, Java, Python, etc.
A few numbers
software programmes installed
internet access points (Renater) with 500 Mbs and 1Gbs, via optical fibre
3 000
accounts in the directory
servers (email, web, intranet, SGBD, Filers, LDAP/Samba, licence servers, etc.)
1 000
ports connected to a local network
Specific resources
More specific resources, used for teaching and research in specialised fields, are also available to students, PhD students and faculty members.
More specific resources, used for teaching and research in specialised fields, are also available to students, PhD students and faculty members.
To access the ESIEE Paris WiFi: find the ESIEE network ID (SSID) then open a browser and enter your login/password to connect.
With their student card, all students can use the 24 photocopiers spread across campus and print from machines in the laboratories

Lionel Bougriot
Coordinator of the IT department, laboratories, telecommunications, audiovisual and copies