Studying abroad
ESIEE Paris offers different types of study abroad programmes
In their first year of undergraduate studies at ESIEE Paris, Wendy, Charles, Zakary, Nicolas and Eymeric talk about their semester abroad (in french)
And you, where would you like to study?
Find out below all the different study abroad programmes available for you.
Erasmus+ - European exchange programme
ERASMUS+ programme
ERASMUS+ allows students to spend between one and two semesters studying in a large number of European universities that have signed an inter-institutional agreement with ESIEE Paris, and validate courses taken as an integral part of their ESIEE Paris programme. Students are entitled to an Erasmus scholarship and do not pay tuition fees at the host university.

Exchange programme outside Europe
The Brafitec programme is a Franco-Brazilian cooperation programme in the field of engineering. It allows students to spend one or two semesters studying at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais in Belo-Horizonte, Brazil.
This is a Franco-Chilean cooperation programme in the field of engineering. It allows students to spend one or two semesters studying at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso in Chile.
Under a bilateral exchange agreement, students have the opportunity to spend one or two semesters studying at the Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Under a bilateral exchange agreement, 2nd year engineering students have the opportunity to spend a full year at Seattle University, Harvey Mudd College (Claremont) and the University of New Mexico (Albuquerque).
Quebec, Canada
Under a bilateral exchange agreement, 2nd year engineering students have the opportunity to spend a year at one of Quebec's universities: Université Laval (Faculty of Science and Engineering), Université de Sherbrooke, École Polytechnique de Montréal.
Double degree opportunities
In addition to the ESIEE Paris engineering degree, students can obtain a second degree from another university abroad:
In some cases, you may have to extend your studies by one or two semesters and pay the host university's tuition fees.
Other programmes
Students in their final year have the opportunity to spend a semester taking courses at the University of California at IRVINE (USA). This fee-paying programme enables students to obtain a professional “Accelerated Certificate Program”.
Students doing their 2nd year (E4) or 3rd year (E5) of the engineering cycle as an Erasmus exchange student at Aalborg University (Denmark) or Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) can apply for a Master's degree at their host university. If accepted, studies must be extended by one or two additional semesters in order to obtain the ESIEE engineering degree.
Internships & volunteering abroad
Internship periods
The engineering internship periods (three months in the 1st and 2nd years of the engineering cycle, six months in the 3rd year of the engineering cycle) can also be spent abroad in a partner university in Europe (European Erasmus programme), outside Europe, or in a company abroad
V.I.E. (International Voluntary Work Experience)
Students can also apply to become International Volunteers. Its mission is carried out abroad within a French company or a French or international public body (lasting from 6 months to 2 years). The V.I.E. can be combined with the end-of-studies internship.
International Gap Year
Students have the opportunity to take a gap year abroad between their 1st and 2nd year or between the 2nd and 3rd year of the engineering cycle. This period can be devoted to studies or a work placement, to gain in-depth international experience.