Assist'etud and handicap relais

In conjunction with the University Health Service, ESIEE Paris offers a support service to help promote students’ well-being and success in their studies. It is a place for dialogue and listening.

The main objectives of the Assist'Étud service

  • ✔ Provide moral, financial and administrative support

    ✔ Provide support to help students overcome the obstacles hindering them 

  • ✔ Help students discover or rediscover their full potential to achieve their goals

    ✔ Manage psycho-social risks

Relais handicap

Relais Handicap is an Assist'Etud service that works in conjunction with the Student Disability Unit of the University Health Service (SSU) and offers advice and support for students needing an adapted study programme.


The main missions of ESIEE Paris relais handicap

  • Welcome and support students with disabilities or health problems, whether temporary or permanent

  • Organise the students’ integration with the different departments of Université Gustave Eiffel and the school (SSU, schooling, corporate relations, faculty, etc.) and external organisations (MDPH, CROUS, etc.)

  • Help students develop their study plans in line with their objectives and organise the necessary arrangements (studies, exams, etc.)

Useful links (in french)

  • Mon parcours handicap : le site officiel du gouvernement pour les personnes en situation de handicap et leurs aidants

  • La MDPH (Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées) de Seine-et-Marne

  • Droit au savoir : association nationale pour le Droit au savoir et à l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes personnes handicapées 

  • Hanploi : site d’offres d’emploi destinées aux personnes en situation de handicap

  • Tremplin handicap : association qui prépare les étudiantes et étudiants tout au long de leurs études à leur future insertion professionnelle

  • 100 % handinamique : mouvement national de jeunes qui vise notamment à conforter le parcours de formation et d’insertion professionnelle des jeunes en situation de  handicap

Assist'Étud also manages financial assistance schemes. It deals with and approves grant applications. Find out more about financial support for your studies.


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