News | Feminisation

ESIEE Paris nominated in the 13th edition of the ingénieuses operation

The ‘Et Si Ingénieur s'Écrivait avec un E’ project, led by ESIEE Paris, has been nominated in the 2023 edition of ‘Ingénieuses’!

What is ‘Ingénieuses’?

Organised by the CDEFI (the conference of directors of French Engineering schools), the 13th edition of the ‘Ingénieuses’ operation was launched last January, with the aim of continuing its fight to increase the number of women in the engineering sector. Engineering schools accredited by the CTI (Engineering Qualifications Committee) were invited to present every idea and action of theirs that meets one or more of the ‘Ingénieuses’ operation’s incentives.

Click here to find out more about ‘Ingénieuses’

Et Si Ingénieur s'Ecrivait avec un E !

At the awards ceremony on the 11th of May 2023, Claire Spilmann (Director of Admissions, Promotion and Communication, and Equality Officer at ESIEE Paris) was invited to present a project as part of the school’s feminisation initiatives.

ESIEE Paris is organising a series of initiatives under the motto ‘Et Si Ingénieur s’Ecrivait avec un E’ (‘Engineering with an E’ – a symbol of feminisation). These initiatives include a roundtable discussion led by women engineers, graduates of the school and one student, and is to be discussed with A-level students. The discussion will be based on the present issue of feminising engineering, with the goal of informing, raising awareness, and guiding female college students to scientific careers.


Watch the presentation video of the project… 

Claire Spilmann présente Et Si Ingénieur s’Ecrivait avec un E

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