News | Rankings
ESIEE PARIS ranked 10th in the Speak & Act Best School Experience 2025
Based on student opinions, the latest Best School Experience - Happiness Barometer 2025 ranks ESIEE Paris in 10th place out of 125 engineering schools. This result highlights ESIEE Paris’ commitment to continuously improving the student experience.

We are proud to announce that ESIEE Paris has been ranked 10th place in the Speak & Act Best School Experience - Happiness Barometer 2025 for engineering schools, a recognised platform which spotlights schools that provide the best student experiences.
ESIEE Paris stands out for its quality of academic and student environment.
Key Survey Results
88 %
of our students consider the quality of student life and associations as a strength of the institution
86 %
of our students are satisfied with the school’s relationship with businesses (professional opportunities, internships, apprenticeships, first jobs…)
84 %
of our students are satisfied with academic and international partnerships (university exchanges, double degrees…) that our institution offers.
What is Speak & Act?

Speak & Act is an employer and school branding platform that certifies companies and schools offering exceptional experiences to their employees, interns, candidates, and students. It helps guide students and candidates to the right employers and schools.
The " Best School Experience – Happiness Barometer " ranking and CSR label distinguishes the schools that students prefer by showcasing those that excel in offering outstanding student experiences.
This 100% transparent ranking is based solely on student feedback, collected through an anonymous survey ensuring impartial and independent evaluation.
The Speak & Act Engineering School Ranking
Every year, Speak & Act, in collaboration with JobTeaser, publishes the "Best School Experience - Happiness Barometer" ranking, which reveals the 25 engineering schools offering the best student experience out of more than 125 schools evaluated. This barometer allows students to make an informed decision, taking essential criterias for their development into account:

Overall satisfaction
General perception of the student experience
Infrastructure quality
Modernity and functionality of facilities and digital tools
Social and extracurricular life
Vibrancy of extracurricular activities and student networks
Academic excellence
Quality of teaching and pedagogical innovations
Societal commitment
Diversity and sustainability initiatives