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Olivier Français appointed new Dean of the ESIEE Paris faculty

On Thursday the 16th of March 2023, Olivier Français was elected as the school’s new Dean of faculty by the entire ESIEE Paris teaching team.

What is the role of a Dean? 

The dean of the school, elected for a four-year term, advises the teaching staff and, together with the school management, helps to raise the profile of the teaching staff in the scientific and industrial communities. Among other things, they coordinate recruitment in conjunction with the ESIEE Paris teaching staff and monitor related projects.


Olivier Français...

Holder of a Doctorate, Olivier Français started at ESIEE Paris as a teacher-researcher from 1988 – 2004, he spent 5 years as a lecturer at CNAM (National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts) Paris and then at ENS Cachan (a prestigious public institution of higher education and research) until 2016 when he joined us at ESIEE. He is currently a professor in the Health, Energy and Sustainable Environment Department (SEED). Olivier Français is also a member of the ESYCOM laboratory (UMR CNRS 9007), of which the Université Gustave Eiffel is the supervisory body, and his research focuses on…

  • Microfluidics
  • Chip-based laboratories
  • Analysis of the dielectric properties of living organisms

Olivier Français also held the position of Director of Research, then Head of the Health, Energy and Environment (SED) department, before being elected Dean of the ESIEE Paris teaching staff. He is qualified to direct research and is involved in all levels of engineering training here at ESIEE, from the first and second year students to managing the PhD students. 

Click here to view Olivier Français’ LinkedIn

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