Event | Events | From 20 September 2023 - 9:00 am to 22 September 2023 - 6:00 pm

New edition of the ESIEE Paris Game Jam

105 ESIEE Paris students have designed and developed video games on an original theme. Discover their creations.

The new edition of ESIEE Paris Game Jam was held at the school from the 20th to the 22nd of September. A total of 105 IT apprentice students, divided into 20 groups, took part.

What is ‘Game Jam’?

  • Developing a game in record time

    The aim of this event is to design and develop a video game on a given theme that is revealed at the beginning of the event. This must be done within a very narrow timeframe. Game Jam is also an opportunity for students to meet up and have fun.

  • Skills gained by the students 

    Over the three days, students deepened or gained a number of skills. There were a number of educational objectives: agile development and management of a short (and intense) project to be carried out as a team, improved development skills (C#, Python, and Java), taking on one or more business roles of the Video Game world, etc.

The three-day programme…

Wednesday September 20th:

  • Theme reveal
  • Scenario proposals
  • Student pitches
  • Project launch and development 

Thursday September 21st: 

  • Project development 

Friday September 22nd:

  • End of project development
  • Testing of the games by ESIEE Paris staff and students and public voting
  • Announcement of the winners and closing ceremony

An original theme: “At some point, you have to cheat to win!"

In keeping with the theme, the students' aim was to produce a gaming experience in which the player felt like they had taken over the mechanics of the game or of the environment.

They were supervised by Nicolas Borie, Head of the IT Architecture, Design & Development programme, and Remi Forax, lecturer at the Gustave Eiffel University.

The winning team

The game that attracted the most attention from the public and the supervisor team was "Sky is the limit", produced by Yacine Burtin, Yassine Guelaa, Gaspar Guillemain, Elsa Guillet and Thomas Pasquier.

ESIEE Paris congratulates all those who participated for their high-quality work.

Discover the students' creations!

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